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File not found during integrity check


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K i decided to change some settings, I had it so any .torrent file i click on would start automatically and would go in a Download folder.. Today i decided i wanted to change that. So i went in the Preferences UI-Settings > Tick ON, Show a window that displays..... and also changed /Directories Tick OFF Put new downloads in:

After I did this I exited out of Utorrent ( still had active downloads I din`t stop them or anything just exited)

ReStarted Utorrent and started getting this in the logger and also pop up window,

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] total physical memory 4294967295 max disk cache 33554432

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] Using IP address

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] IPv6 is installed

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] Got Teredo Address: 2001:0:4137:9e76:3c67:b55:9355:5a3b

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\@#\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\@#\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat.new

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] File not found during integrity check: C:\Users\@#\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\remote-devpair.dat.old

[2012-12-31 22:21:50] Got proxy service response (rapton-i-77f22d11.utorrent.com:9053, 193 bytes): {"username":"@#@#@#","status":"\/status\/ok","message":{"security_question":"yes","raptor":"http:\/\/rapton-i-77f22d11.utorrent.com:9093"},"code":"\/api\/attach\/success","response":"Attached"}

[2012-12-31 22:21:52] Unable to load "2CB21109864BAA0DC049FFD517D57BE4939CF34E.torrent": torrent is not valid bencoding!

[2012-12-31 22:21:52] Unable to load "9B46E89CECE2C71258B96E91E4EFA5862BC07ACB.torrent": torrent is not valid bencoding!


The PopUP windows was about the Bencoding error 3 would come up in a row..

All torrents where still there and downloading just fine (speed wise) but the error continues.. So once they where done i delete all the torrents that where in Utorrent ... pop stop but checking the logger the issue is there.. So i changed the setting back to what i had them Still issue there. Re installed utorrent .. No change Funny how we don`t have the option to uninstall previous version or get ride of preferences anymore when we do a new install ....

Any ideals?

I might just go and hunt down all utorrent files on my com and delete them manually and then re install..


Meh fix it i guess by deleting all utorrent files in AppData>Roaming>Utorrent Then re-installing Utorrent :P ... now i just need to find the older version of utorrent without all the ads and bloatware :rolleyes:

now i just need to find the older version of utorrent without all the ads and bloatware

Or learn how to search.

And how will me learning how to search make any sense to what you quoted?

Btw i did search before posting and all i got was post on downloads that would not start and how to ignore the error, not helpful. :/


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