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Can't delete a torrent or get rid of utorrent running


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Was getting the utorrent error 'write to disk - the process cannot access the file' for one torrent I have been downloading for a few days because it is quite big 20GB. The error was happening over and over again every few minutes so that the % downloaded was not changing.

I have tried moving the file with utorent closed, I then get the windows error 'the action cannot be completed because the folder is open in another program. So I download a program called 'Process Explorer' which shows that 3 different copies of utorrent are running, but they are not show under the usual task manager (because I have closed it, or it is meant to be closed anyway). I cannot delete the utorrent.exe even with admin privileges and using the command prompt direct from system32, which is very weird. I have used other programs to get rid of utorrent, but no success.

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