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Manual lacking?


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Sorry, a new .torrent user. Have downloaded µTorrent and a .torrent file, which opened in µTorrent, but I'm adrift, having no manual to study. The forums are the only means I've found to learning how to use it. Is there NOT a manual available? The video I watched was far too incomplete to get me going.

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In the software there is a 'Help' menu which has menu items for 'µTorrent Help' and 'µTorrent FAQ'.

Not one my Help menu, which has

"Search" & a filter field

"µTorrent Homepage"

"User Forums" [which brought me here to post "Manual lacking"]

"Report an Issue" [which seemed abit precipitate for a newcomer]

BTW, I'd have just attached a snapshot instead of typing in the above, but can't see how to. Suspect the "IMG" button above is about that, but not transparent. Too geeky for me!

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