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Deep Freeze and µTorrent


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Okay, I recently installed Deep Freeze on my PC. Everything is fine and dandy, and I only set it to the Volume C (hard-drive).

I open up µTorrent, and start a download for Air Gear (anime series Im currently watching). I saved the .avi file in Volume D. It was 78% done. I decided to stop and restart my computer and voila, the torrent has disappeared, but the .avi file still exists in Volume D

I wasnt surprised.. My question is... is there some way to PREVNT the .torrents from disappearing? I already set the Saving Location to a Volume D folder, but do I have to move the Appl Data files too? And if so, can I, and will µTorrent still function?

I'm sure µTorrent loads the files on default from applications folder, is there anyway to change that? I'm guessing it might solve my problem...

Thanks :)

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Thanks for your reply... I did read the FAQ, but probably never paid attention to that one lil line cuz I wasnt having problems back then... :(

I did not set an Auto-Load folder... but if I do, how can it NOT be the folder I chose to store .torrent files in? This is sort of confusing... I'd open my torrents using µTorrent, they'd save in Volume D too, not in the Application Data folder. How will µTorrent auto-load it, do I have to make seperate copies of the .torrent file in the Auto-Load folder too ..?

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if you set a new location for .torrent files, you have to move all the torrent files to the new location, else when you restart, it'll get cleared. And since it still writes the settings to the C folder, it'll get cleared anyway. Exclude the %AppData%\uTorrent folder from Deep Freeze, or read the FAQ on how to make it run self-contained.

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