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Reassociating Torrent Files w/ their related incomplete&complete data


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ok,as a newby I thought I would reduce cluttthemer by no longer storing torrent files in same directory as data files.....

I already had torractive and torr finished directory set up to be automatically handled but still had some legacy torrent files in the torrdata directory.

I created a file UTorrStored and set UTorrent to look for stored files there.

I then manually transferred the Torrenter files in the Tordata directory to UTorrStored.

And large numbers became disassciated from their data and UTorrent.

Is there a free utility to reassociate them?

Is there a relatively easy way to reassociate them with their data files?

It seems that completed files that I was seeding were the most likely to be dissaxxociated with their data files.

Am I just screwed.?

Please advise

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The migration guide still holds.

Remove the job ONLY from the list, reload the .torrent file with the job stopped, point the download location to the parent directory for multi-file torrents or a single file in a subdirectoy, the download directory for single-file torrents, force a recheck then start the job.

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