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Utorrent server


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Not sure if utorrent server is the right name, but ill try to describe what I mean.

Currently i'm using an SGS2 to download torrents, the cliënt has the possibility to configure a computer, which you can use to download torrents for you.

Within a few weeks/months I hope to get my Ouya and I want to use it as some kind of media device, but also to download torrents. It would be a great feature if I could configure my SGS2 to send the torrents to my Ouya. But there is no app like that for android to install on my Ouya, right?

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From what I can see, Android uTorrent has no remote access capabilities. The closest I can think of is to use the RSS features from sites that let you have your own personal RSS feed. Open that feed on the ouya utorrent and choose to download it.

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