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Magnet link not working on MAC but worked on Windows using same Networ


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Hi Guy,

I'm using OSx Mountain Lion 10.8.3 with u torrent 1.8.4.

I have problem when using the magnet link. All of the tracker are loaded DHT, Local Peer Discovery, Peer Exchange are all working. I got lots of peer and seeder but it seem that I cannot connect to them. I enabled NAR-PMP and UPnP but I still got the yellow light saying that there is no incoming connection.

In OSx, I disabled the firewall completely. I did try enable the firewall and allow utorrent for incoming connection but it not working neither.

My ISP is not clocking torrent traffic. I am sure because I have another laptop beside me running Windows 7, using the same ISP, and Wifi Network but I can download torrent without any problem.

So any idea why my utorrent on Mac could not load the torrent?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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