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Symantec fire wall??


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Hi everyone.

Firstly, can I say that I am a complete novice to compters:-) I just paid to download this (yes, apparently I have been conned) and for some reason cannot download anything. the availability is completely red. I just paid gawd knows how much to call the helpline (in the States) and they were supposed to send me an email telling me how to stop my secuirty from interferring with connecting to whatever it is I'm supposed to be connecting too.

I have no idea what a torrent is (or any of the other lingo) and needless to say have received no email from my new mate in the States!

Can anyone give me some "advice for idiots" as I'm starting to get a bit grumpy with teh whole thing, not helped by my giving up smoking two days ago!!

ANY help greatly appreciated!


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1: Try and demand your money back, this can't really be legal.

2: Don't turn to them for help in the future, there are moderators here with more knowlegde about this program then any con artists 'selling' their help

Now, to your problem.

It can be a number of reasons..

First are there any seeders or leechers on the torrent in the first place?

Have you portforwarded?

What security software do you use?

Edit: acording to your former post(Don't double-post next time) you don't know very much about Bittorent programs, i suggest reading this: http://btfaq.com/serve/cache/1.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bittorrent

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