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Should I worry?


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No, torrenting is NOT illegal!

So keep torrenting!

For example torrents from www.legaltorrents.com or from http://bittorrent.ccc.de:2342/

If you are worried, maybe you should stop (assuming you have done that up until now) torrenting copyrighted stuff where the rightsholder have not given the permisson to torrenting that stuff.



protocoll Encryption (PE) is NOT a solution against MPAA,RIAA and Co. It hides not WHAT you are sharing. It just scambles teh pieces so ISP have a harder time to throttle the traffic based on BTprotokoll specs. Everbody with a client can see what you are sharing. Me, your friendly fellow sharer and of course the MPAA/RIAA too!

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Yes i have understand that.

Because of that, i made the remark about protocol encryption.

It is NOT a function to hide what he is downloading. It is only implemented to make it harder for ISP to throttle the traffic, nothing more.


And what do you want to say with: chances to get caught are slim and even more with PE enabled?

Technicaly thats not true! maybe mathematicaly due to the high amount of filesharers and the lazyness of the LAW/the Rightsowners.

If they want to they can easily monitor that he is sharing and start prosecute him with no technical problem.

What "mediasentry" in US is, is "logistep" in CH/D. Logistep for example monitored p2p and then filed criminal charges against 20.000 (!) filesharers in germany at the DAs office in Karlsruhe.

Share copyrighted stuff that mediasentry is activly monitoring/disturbing with their serverfarms and chances that they will file charges against you if your IP is USbased are everything else but "slim"!

PE will not help at all against THEM, so thats why if he is worried he should not stop torrenting in total,

cause thats what THEY want (to control what we think, watch and listen to!),

but stop sharing stuff thats not under a creative commons licence if he has a decent living and money to loose in civil Law charges. Thats what is very likely to happen even if the DA does not file criminal charges for violation of copyright law.


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