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seeding goal


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Select the torrent, look at the General tab, look at xx in swarm. Also, look at 0 of x connected next to Seeds. If you see 2 or more, then you can stop seeding AS LONG AS your ratio is at least 1.000!

If it's a torrent you uploaded, you need to seed until availability is at least >2, though you should seed more anyway.

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Hi there, new user here. Just an additional question along this thread.

Assuming the torrent is one I uploaded, if there are other seeds, such that under the Seeds column shows 0 (4) for example, and I changed the status on mine to stopped to conserve bandwidth, will all visitors clicking on the download torrent link that points to my machine continue exchanging pieces of files with the other peers/seeds, even though I am stopped for that torrent? (Sorry for the run on sentence, it is a hard question to phrase.)

Thanks in advance for the enlightenment as I wrap my brain around this torrent stuff.

Oh, some additional questions. If I was the one who uploaded the torrent, does it always need to be in my screen even with other seeders? I assume "removing" it would nullify the effectiveness of the download torrent link that is on my web site that points to my server. Am I wrong? Would I need to have the .torrent file point to other machines of seeders in that case?

Don't double post, use edit.

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If you already stopped that specific torrent you uploaded, then there is no activity between your machine and others on THAT specific torrent. Once you noticed there are already other seeds on a torrent you uploaded, you're set: the other seeds will take over and keep your torrent alive (meaning you can remove that torrent from the µtorrent list if you want)...

I just hope I understood correctly your questions.

Good luck!

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