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Right click on torrent search option


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Dunno, I doubt most search engines allow searching by hash anyway, and exact name searches generally don't work well, as people get to name their uploads, and they don't always name it in any consistent manner, such as the torrent file name, so that also generally turns up fruitless.

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To be clear. My request is for this search to work with the existing "search engines" utorrent options. So, right click on torrent called "Monster_Episode74_255C6313" presents a "Search" sub menu with options like: Search Mininova by name, Search Mininova by hash, etc.

Isohunt can search for torrents by torrent hash. Couple others as well but I forget which.

I understand the inconsistant naming problem of searching torrents by name, but most of what I download is pretty consistantly named and the hope is if I cant search by hash then the name would remain the same on multiple torrent search sites.

After typing this Im thinking of a different approach. Right click on torrent to produce an option called 'copy name to search box' and/or 'copy hash to search box'. Copy/pasting from the General tab is possible now, but its a 5 click process for the hash and more for the name of the torrent. I dont see where I can copy just the torrent name, but can copy the whole directory path and torrent name.

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  • 2 months later...


F2 doesn't work with µT, apparently. I think you probably misunderstood the question? He didn't mean copy the torrent name from Explorer, he meant from µT itself. FYI people, F2 is a shortcut key to rename files. If you press it while clicking a torrent, theoratically, it would select the name of the torrent and you could copy (Ctrl+C) it and then paste it into the search field. Doesn't work, though. At least not with v1.6.

Firon, eres Puertorro?


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