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Copy completed download to folder but seed from the original copy


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I have a remote computer with a 10mbit/s connection which I do all my downloading from. The files are originally downloaded locally on that computers HD. Then when finished they are moved to to a folder on my computer over the internet. That computer is on a 24/1 ADSL connection so when trying to seed on the 10mbit/s pc it will max out on 1mbit/s which is the ADSL connection limit.

I would like uTorrent to copy the torrent files to the a folder(on another computer in my case) but keep seeding from the local copy until seeding priority is fullfilled or I stop it myself.

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  • 1 year later...

Hmm.. copy is not really an issue. You can set up a script for that. Just use the "run program when dowloading finished", although you must always specify it, so that'd be very useful if you could set a default for that.

Then in the script just call an FTP/rsync or whatever you're using.. to copy/sync the downloaded file/folder.

Move is tricky because seeding must be stopped in µTorrent for it to release it's read lock from the file/directory.. and then a new "download location" must be set, then force recheck.. and I'm not aware of any command line switches that could do that .. (but maybe through Web UI :P)

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  • 1 year later...

I'd like to have this feature too. My PC is always on and has 2 HDDs: one of them is silent 2,5" hdd (temporary) and the second one is rather noisy 3,5" Western Digital (storage). I'd like to use the second one only as a storage disk and spin down it when it is not needed. So the first HDD will contain Windows&Soft installation and working folder for active (downloading and seeding) torrents.

For example: if I have a torrent data on 2,5" HDD at path TEMP_PATH\CONTENT_PATH\CONTENT_FILE.ext

TEMP_PATH is the path, specified in "Put new downloads in"

CONTENT_PATH is the path, specified by user while adding new torrent (to organize content by type and so on)

CONTENT_FILE.ext - is file name(s) of content file(s), included in torrent

The logic of this copy function should be as follows:

1) when download is completed copy downloaded data to specified STORAGE_LOCATION\CONTENT_PATH (set in Preferences)

2) continue seeding from TEMP_PATH (storage disk is not used and can be spinned down to keep it quiet and cool)

3) if I stop seeding torrent data should be deleted from TEMP_LOCATION to free up the temporary disk space

4) if I start seeding again then data should be copied from STORAGE_LOCATION\CONTENT_PATH back to TEMP_LOCATION\CONTENT_PATH and continue seeding from temporary disk (storage can be spinned down again).

I understand the all of this can be done manually - but it is not very user friendly way of doing such a typical task - it would be great if it could be done automatically by uTorrent

thanks a lot in advance!

PS: for me it would be enough if I could specify programs/scripts to run on download finish, start and stop seeding... all copy routines can be implemented in custom programs/scripts

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