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More stuff in Active torrents category?


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I'm loving 1.5, and it's changed how I use utorrent. In particular, the user categories means that I now tend to keep a lot more torrents around for a while, rather than deleting them when finished. So when I have nothing to seed I go find some older torrent and restart it.

But, this also makes searching though the big general Completed category annoying. The issue I have is that a torrent that is seeding but not currently uploading is not shown in the Active category. Also paused torrents get removed as well. So right now it seems that only torrents that are actually using bandwidth are in Active. I think it would be more useful to have these torrents that are "switched on" in Active as well, despite the fact that they aren't using bandwidth. After all, most users can't have more than 5-8 torrents using bandwidth at once, so there is no problem with free space.

Summary: Paused torrents and "Not currently uploading" Seeds should be displayed in Active

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