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HD data corruption (chekdisk run and many files are loosed)


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I have searched on previous forum posts and found some thread about problem with 100% HD overload but not about the problem I a getting.

I have a 40GB Maxtor IDE ATA and a 200GB Sansumg IDE ATA, with not bad blocks, I started to use uTorrent writing and reading data from Sansumg HD and got almost every day the chekdisk to run on PC boot and a lot of file lost cause of a file system corruption. My down speed is about 160kb/s and up 30kb/s and keep downloading several (more than 100) files with about 350MB size. I am running a Win2kSP4 and some times I get a windows "blue screen" and the system obviously crash (and the data on sansumg hd goes away…) This HDD is partitioned as follow: 100GBx60GBx20GBx20GB. Before it were divided in two partition with 100GB and the problems was happening. No virus problem (got AVG and switched to Clawn to try to solve the problem – could be the antivirus so I changed) , no bad block (run several tests). I stopped to download torrents and keep only the upload of one file. The problems gone! No more chekdisk and data lost.

On maxtor hdd never happened this corruption problem BUT I have never run uTorrent on it.

I had formatted and repartitioned both hd's some times to try to solve the problem but, only when I start to download torrents, the problem comes again.

If I change the diskio.write_queue_size it would help me?

Any clue will be very welcome!

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The win2k addressing problem for hdd bigger then 137GB was solved on SP3 as explained here:


But as you can read on ms link, to win2k corrupt data due to this issue it should be installed on a partition bigger then 137GB. My bigger partition has 100GB and this OS is installed on a 40GB HD.

I stopped to download torrents and curiously the error and data corruption stopped as I have said before.

I am switching the hd's, I will use the sansumg 200gb for OS and data storage and the maxtor 40gb for torrent download. If another blue screen appears I will post here.

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Ok, sokme feedback, if someone get the same problem:

I switched the hdd using now the maxtor 40gb for torrents write activities and using sansumg 200gb for OS and torrents reads (up), the problem just gone!

Ps.: I configured the diskio.write_queue_size to 8x my link speed.

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