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Issues with port forwarding for a linksys BEFSR41 router


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I'm having issue here with the port forwarding. I've already tried the instructions from portforward.com and still no luck. I've got a static IP set. I set the router to forward the utorrent port to that IP and still no dice.

I've looked in the faqs and stiff had no luck.


Robert Klemic

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i have mine set to.100 as last 3 digits since i checked log and utorrent was looking for that # I now get nice fast speeds.I'd do away with windows firewall and get a good free 1 like sygate.Not to scare u but i and many others have disconnect issues with this router due to its not being heavy-duty enough to handle alot of p2p activity.I now unplug my router while seeding/downloading and eveythings fine: good speed/green lites and all :)

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