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Light changing from green to amber to red


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The traffic light on utorrent keeps changing. Sometimes it's green and I'm getting speeds over 200kbps, other times it's red and I'm getting about 4kbps. I'm not sure why.

I'm using the latest version of utorrent, windows XP and Netgear DG834G router. I've forwarded the port as it says in the guide, which is how I managed to get it to green initially. XP firewall is on but turning it off doesn't make a difference, and I have no other firewalls. UPnp mapping is ticked, it doesn't randomise the ports each time.

Any help much appreciated.

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if you have forwardet the port manually there is no need for UPnP to be active!

If it was once green and now red something has changed in your network setup. (maybe forwarded to a IP given by DHCP and now after restarting PC you have another IP on your LAN for example.)

Do the portforward thing once again and make it carefully again. Then the green light will not change to red if everthing is done correctly and your ISP has not censored your Internet connection in some way in the meantime.


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I've triple checked the portforwarding and setup a static IP for this computer

I've got a firewall (zone alarm) but I'm using it now and the light is green

It's been green for a few days now, I'll write again if it changes and anything I've done that might have made it change, thanks for all your help.

I checked that before and it doesn't seem to be the problem, connections have always been limited to the same number?

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It's now turned to red again. I've turned off zone alarm and restarted the computer but still red.

I think it might be something to do with having another computer connected to the network, although they've all got static IPs and I've portforwarded to the main computer. The other one is using utorrent either.

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