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blue screen errors


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I am having a problem with downloading torrent files. I'm not even sure if it is utorrent as i had a similar problem with azureus and thought switching would fix the problem.

After downloading for a couple of minutes I get the blue screen error message and then my computer restarts. It doesn't seemt o be a dodgy torrent file and i have turned off and also uninstalled all my firewall and antivirus software and this doesn't seem to help!

Does anyone know what is going on here? it is a new computer, i don't have a router either.

Please help. Much appreciated!

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From what I can gather from the blue screen the error was as follows:

STOP: 0x000000FE ( Ox00000002, 0x8620DD20, 0x865C1790, 0x862F5598)

Hope this helps. It also said at the top BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER if that is of any relevance.

The error signature when i restarted the computer said this:

BCCode: fe BCP1 : 00000002 BCP2: 858E3830 BCP3: 85868420

BCP4: 862986B0 OSVer: 5_1_2600 SP: 2_0 Product 256_1

If you need more info let me know.

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