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RSS Downloader Not Matching Flter


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I've got an RSS feed that works well except if I add a filter. Screenshot of my setup below.

I want to only download mp4/x264 format files, except for one show ("Love/Hate"). My feed doesn't provide quality info so I was going to achieve this via a filter.

With the filter shown below (*264*|*264|*mp4*|*mp4|*Love*Hate*|Love*Hate*), I get nothing starting to download. They just show as RSS, like the topmost torrent. I've tried matching original name and smart episode filter on/off. If I change the filter to * then they all start downloading. Any ideas?




Sorry I meant I would like to download mp4/x264 format files for all shows except for Love/Hate I will download any format files. I still want to download it, but that show doesn't come in mp4/x264.


The feed has lots of content. The feed content can be seen in the screenshot. If I set the RSS Downloader to match *, it downloads (everything) successfully.


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