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uTorrent Inconsistent When Passing Parameters for Postprocessing


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I am running v 3.3.2 build 30303 [32 bit]

Windows 7 HP 64bit

I am running the following bat file borrowed and tweaked from Axman:

@echo off
title Duplicating a Freshly Downloaded Movie or Show
rem Parameter usage: fromdir torrent-name label kind [filename]
rem corresponds to uTorrents flags: %D %N %L %K %F
echo *********************************************
echo Run on %date% at %time%

set fromdir=%1
set name=%2
set label=%3
set kind=%4
set filename=%5
set savepartition=J:
set moviedir=%savepartition%\"Movies [NOSYNC]"
set showdir=%savepartition%\"TV [NOSYNC]"

rem Only process PTP or BTN Auto torrents
if %label%=="PTP" goto movie
if %label%=="BTN Auto" goto show


echo ***Movie**********
set todir=%moviedir%
set type="New Movie"
if %kind%=="single" goto single
goto multi

echo ***Show**********
set todir=%showdir%
set type="New TV Show"
if %kind%=="single" goto single
goto multi

echo Single
echo %fromdir%%filename% %todir% /I
xcopy %fromdir%%filename% %todir% /I
goto growler

echo Multi
echo %fromdir% %todir%\%name% /I
xcopy %fromdir% %todir%\%name% /I
goto growler

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Growl for Windows\growlnotify.exe" /a:"uTorrent" /n:"Finished" /t:%type% %name%
echo Processing Complete on %date% at %time%

I have it set to run when a torrent finishes with the following command under Preferences -> Advanced -> Run Program:

C:\scripts\torrentscript.bat "%D" "%N" "%L" "%K" "%F" >> C:\scripts\torrentlog.txt

All my torrents are being saved either under J:\Movies or J:\TV. When they complete, the file above copies the files into either J:\Movies [NOSYNC] or J:\TV [NOSYNC] as appropriate. It works great sometimes and fails other times. I have been up all night trying to determine the issue, and I think I have found it.

Sometimes uTorrent passes the path to the bat file as "J:\Movies\" but other times it passes it as "J:\Movies".

Can a dev take a look to see what's up? Or can anyone think of a good workaround? I was using a troubleshooting bat file and echoing %fromdir% to check, and it varied between the two formats. I am pulling my hair out. Please help!


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Sometimes uTorrent passes the path to the bat file as "J:\Movies\" but other times it passes it as "J:\Movies".

Have you checked how the path is defined when the jobs are running?

Are the jobs being loaded from the same source? ie: RSS feeds where the paths are defined differently?

This is more likely to be a error in setting something up, rather than uTorrent arbitrarily 'deciding' to "shake things up".

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This is more likely to be a error in setting something up, rather than uTorrent arbitrarily 'deciding' to "shake things up".

I agree, but, I just couldn't figure out where uTorrent was pulling the path from. UNTIL NOW! I think I figured it out. In the RSS Downloader, it pulls the path from the "Save in" field. When adding a torrent manually, it again seems to pull from the "Save in" field. Automatic downloads are tagged with the path indicated in Preferences -> Directories -> "Put new downloads in". I went through and put the \ into both static places and will have to remember to include it when doing manual downloads. So far, testing is going well. No fails yet after applying that fix. I guess typing out the problem helped to make the light bulb go off. Now to sleep until noon or so. Thanks for your reply!

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