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Stop seeding softly


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Now-a-days pieces seem to be 4MB. So when I am seeding, I assume that if I stop the seed when only 3.9MB of a peice has been uploaded then all that peices zeroes and ones have been wasted and the peice is ignored? Correct me if I am wrong. So is there not a way to tell uTorrent to just complete the remaining peices before I have to stop the seed or exit the client?

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I assume that if I stop the seed when only 3.9MB of a peice has been uploaded then all that peices zeroes and ones have been wasted and the peice is ignored?

Incorrect assumption.

Care to explain? Can another seed finish the piece where my seed left off?

I understand pieces to be like packets sent over TCP. Partial packets are ignored.

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The absolute most that is lost in a partial piece in that case, provided the piece is not discarded due to a hashfail, is 16kbyte.

There are validation pieces (4mbyte in your case) and request pieces (ALWAYS 16kbyte)

Request pieces may be discarded immediately on disconnect. Validation pieces are only discarded if validation falis

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