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Port 81 not forwarded?


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Ive been using uTorrent for just over a month with no problems, but since i rebooted my router 2 days ago (for reasons i cant go into now) my downloads have been non-existant. I dont really know much technical stuff, but im sure the problem cant be firewall related (forwarded all correct ports)

I have tried the uTorrent port testing thing, which said that the port i wanted to use wasnt forwarded. Someone suggested to me that I should see if port 81 is forwarded, and according to the Utorrent test, it isnt.

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated, im quite stumped.

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"Someone suggested to me that I should see if port 81 is forwarded,"

This randomly sugestion on one port is as helpful for you as if this "someone" would have said: "See if the supermarket have this cheap PC's anymore"

so let's start with the basics:


PortForward.com - The port forwarding progression.

And if you have carefully done that, please come again if it still not work and give us better explainations about your setup, your ISP, what's that about port 81 in your case and so on...


How to Report Bugs Effectively

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OK i'll try to explain in a little more depth to the best of my knowledge....

I think the person recommended testing port 81 because its the http port? or something along those lines, meaning that naturally if that port wasnt forwarded, i wouldnt be able to access the page telling me if it was forwarded.

i read through the guide you linked me too - i had already manually forwarded the appropriate ports for utorrent, but after redoing it all carefully the little yellow light has turned green, and im getting speeds of about 5kb/s, which is a start.

thanks for the help :)

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