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seeding throw anouther connection?


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Anybody out ther know if its possibul.

I have a Freind with 100/10 mbit/s connection and I want to set up a dlink DNS-120 on his network and store some files over there. But is it possibul for me to place torrent files on the external harddrives on his end having the .torrent file seeding thow my computer.

And is it possibul to seed without going trow my connection (I only got 8/1 mbit/s no fun at all)

(I cant set up a computer on his end for many resons. So its no option!)

thx for every good answers

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sorry!. through.. my english ish nisht so good. yes.. thats no problem at all.. I can auto mount it like external harddrive. But the real question is. If the peers on my end will download directly from the source, or will the tcp/bits be routed through my connection?. or is there a work around.

there is some speed to be gaind here. from his through my connection the top speed is 40kbit/s and it would make no use for me to place a file server on his network. But if the peers download directly from his end, they will get about 800-1200 kbit/s.

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