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µ Torrent & standby


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Hello, I started using µ Torrent for the first time 1 week ago, more or less. I downloaded the latest version, 1.5.1 build 460 beta, and I'm running it on a Windows ME computer. Now, it occurred already 5 or 6 times that my pc went in standby while using µ Torrent, and µ Torrent obviously (I guess?) got closed all the times, but the problem is that standby has NEVER been active before on that pc. And even now, it still says it's disabled, but it still happening occasionally, apparently with no reason. Usually I leave that pc with only µ Torrent and Zone Alarm (v. 6.0.667.000) running on it; neither the connection, since it's connected to my main pc via ICS. One time it happened while I was away from home, so I thought it could have happened because it was inactive for too long. At least 3 times, it happened while I was watching a random video (previously downloaded with µ Torrent and still in seeding, but not necessarily active) from my other pc, so reading files through the LAN. And another time, I was checking the status of my torrents, so using the pc, and it suddenly went standby again. Until now, I have no clue at all about what could be causing it, and if it's a bug or something else. I hope I explained well enough the problem, sorry for my poor english. And thanks in advance for every help.

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Yes, Prevent stand-by if there are active torrents IS checked, but the problem is that stand-by has always been off on my pc. I can leave it running for weeks and it'll never go stand-by, if µ Torrent is closed...

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