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Is there a post on here with a basic guide for beginners. I must be an idiot girl because I don't know what the heck any of this lingo means. Seeding, leeching, etc. I just want to download a tv show!!

I installed utorrent and found (I think) a torrent to get. But where is the video file? I only see a torrent file in "my documents". It says 100% done, but I have no idea what to do next.

Honestly, (as I'm sure you all can tell), I'm starting from scratch and need a step by step guide. I can't understand anything. Help

And I did read the beginners guide and still am clueless.

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Um. The home page has a link called Guides... as for the terms, the FAQ answers that.

Getting a .torrent file doesn't mean you downloaded the actual content itself. You have to open the .torrent with µTorrent and download somewhere that you'll be able to locate next time.

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IMO this is not the best place and program to start as noob with torrenting, uTorrent seems to be quite geeky affair even if it almost runs itself, and you seem to lack in computer skills besides, if I can make a guess, you downloaded the actual file but don't know where on the disk it is or you know where it is but don't know what to do with it (as files you download with torrents have a nasty habit of coming in all different flavours as far as theri extensions and wrapping goes)

you got to be more clear on your problems and don't expect to understand everything first day

and its true, pple and progs on torrent scene today assume everybody already has some experience, like having been around and using torrents since it started out some yrs back, its not something you can get in a day by reading some faq IMO, that is as far as normal folks go


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I'll try to help:

Seeds: People who have the whole file (in your case TV show) and are uploading it.

Leeches/Peers: People who don't have the whole file and are currently downloading it.

If the torrent is still in your list in the program, you can right click and click on "Open Containing Folder" and it'll take you to where the show downloaded. Next time you open a torrent, pay attention to that box that pops up. That'll show you where the file is going to be downloaded to, which you can set so you'll know where it goes. Hope this helps! :-)

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