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Configuring uTorrent in an Office Network.


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I am using uTorrent from my office and using a Win XP system (with XP firewall disabled for the time being and I dont not have any other firewall). My LAN is connected to a Linux gateway server (we dont not use any proxy). I opened port 10000 on the Linux server and my XP machine. I did a port test and this was the result I got

"OK! Port 10000 is open and accepting connections.

You will be able to receive incoming BitTorrent connections."

Even though I am able to seed and peer files, i notice the following

1) the status globe always stays yellow.

2) DHT: Waiting to log in

3) unable to map UPnP to

Would like to know if I am missing out anything here ?

Hope to find some help here.

PS: Oh by the way, thanks to the makers for this cool application :)

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Make sure you use conservative settings for µTorrent's speeds!

Others will notice if they can't surf/upload/download nearly as fast as previously.

Disabling DHT might be in order, because even though your Win XP box and Linux gateway can probably handle UDP packets from DHT with ease...there may be a bottleneck for them elsewhere. (DSL modem? multiplexing equipment for T-1/T-3 lines?)

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for DHT its UDP connections, afaik! So allow them also

you can savely ignore the "unable to map" message when you have forwarded manually. just untick the checkbox for UPnP in µT then

I left my uTorrent client on for the whole of last night and now the yellow globe has turned red and DHT is still waiting for log in. I am still able to seed and peer files though. So maybe like Switeck suggested, I am going to try and disable DHT.

Merged double post:

Switeck: I use µTorrent, and I can see a lot of times where I've downloaded a TON from one person, and given nothing back (even though I'm not a leecher), so I would certainly appear like this so-called leecher you mention to that person.

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