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sorry for writing personal massage here but somehow I could not send massage, I will delete this/or please delete after reading


I do not know If you have read what I've wrote.


as I mentioned, and I know that was sensitive topic for torrent users because downloading while NOT uploading is not "sharing" and its against purpose of torrent.


I do not always leave it 1kb/s, I only do that when I am away for long time.


what I want to know is why and what is changed when I was coming from XP -> Win 7


I felt kinda bad about what you've replied, tho I understand.



in addition, you mentioned leaving at 1kb/s is worse than leaving it unlimited. could you explain little more about it if you don't mind?


not because I thought about it, because I just want to know how to keep my HDD safe with torrent running


because I lost 2TB 2? almost 3years ago, do not know what caused it, only thing i know is my HDD was dead when I came back, and all I know is torrent was running.


back then, I never touched any setting. there are other possible causes, but since I don't have much clue, I try best to avoid failing my HDD with any type of use. 


If my topic offended you I am sorry, 


Hard drives die randomly. They are failure prone devices. There's nothing you can do to prevent it.

Don't cap your upload to 1kB/s. Ever.


thank you for reply!, but I don't think its not perfect answer for my question

hoped DeadWingKnight would read this.. 

because he mentioned that leaving it 1kb/s "harm more than" leaving it unlimited.


+anyone know how to delete topic?

I thought one who wrote/started could delete it but I dont see any button for it.. sorry


Basically, when you cap it to 1kB/s, you're not helping the swarm out at all. You don't necessarily have to do unlimited, but it should be a reasonable percentage of your connection's upload maximum if you do set something.

And leaving your torrent client running won't make your hard drive die any faster or slower, so you don't need to worry about that.


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