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reduce line height/line gap between download list entries?


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When I look at the current download list then the space gap between the lines is rather big/huge.


Is there a way to reduce this gap/line height?


I would appreciate to keep the utorrent window as small as possible but still be able to view the complete list.




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I figured out what happened. uTorrent was unexpectedly upgraded to 3.4.1 overnight. The newer version has the extra padding on the download list. If you revert back to 3.4.30635, the download list will be back to the way it was. You must completely uninstall and reinstall again and back up all your torrents that are still downloading. Hopefully you still have the installer on your local drive, because uTorrent.com only keeps the latest build.

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I am using 3.4.1b, build 30703, and the the line height is still fine with this one.

Yesterday I tried the latest beta (30746), and it got the increased line height, which I did not like, so I reverted back.


Btw, you can simply exchange the exe. No need to uninstall/reinstall.

My utorrent apparently keeps its previous exe's in a subfolder called updates.

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I'm fine with you trying out new looks and interface. I know you guys are increasing the line height to somehow appeal to touchscreen users, but plenty of us are non-touchscreen users and just like Windows 8 forcing a touch interface on a mouse user, you're also forcing this touch optimized look on those who are only using a mouse and don't need it.


What I'm not fine with is not giving an option to turn this off. I expected at least a flag in the Advanced panel of uTorrent Preferences but... nothing was found. Please introduce one. Call it gui.tall_download_list or something.. matches with your existing gui.tall_category_list.

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