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How do I max out my upload on one single torrent?


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Ok gang,

Here is the situation. I am currently dling 4 torrents. 3 of these have already uplloaded more than 1.5 of the complete amount but the fourth is lagging far behind because it is a much bigger torrent. How do I get the other three to stop uploading while continuing to download and how do I then get the fourth to max out my upload capabilities.


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Ok two have finished downloading. I just have one that is downloading and one that I am trying to seed. Here is the new problem. I have closed all the completed ones and all that is left is these two, but it seems the one that is is downloading is taking all the upload bandwith. Leaving the one I am tryin to seed in the dust..can that be reversed?

Stone when you say fewer torrents..how many do you mean? Do you mean like two or one? I guess I am so impatient I never dl just one or two.

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The one/s you don't want sucking up so much upload bandwidth...

you can set their upload slots to 1 and set their priority to LOW.

The one/s you want uploading faster, raise their priority to HIGH.

Or you can even set the upload speed for each torrent individually.

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