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Is there any way to filter what I'm shown?


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For instance I don't want to see any Hindi or Russian movies....   :(

Can I filter these out?


One morning nine of the ten movies displayed was Hindi and one, English   :(


Or even better, can I just see "English" language torrents?


Also, can I filter all torrents with ZERO seeders as it is really pointless showing them as they won't download anyway   :(


Or supress any torrents with "Avail" less than 1.000?   :(  As these will certainly START to download and then stop when the availibity is reached....   :(

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That entirely depends on where you're getting torrents from, and isn't being caused by anything in the software.

Suppressing zero seeds isn't a good idea because availability among non-seeds may still exceed 1.0

Additionally, suppressing availability below 1.0 isn't a good idea either because the swarm overall may be above 1.0 but you can't connect to them and the pieces aren't distributed yet.

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Thanks for your response   :)

I take your point about the availability from the peers may exceed 1.0.  I've waited months in this very hope.  But sometimes there a zero seeds AND zero peers. Could THESE be filtered out?


Thanks, I see your point NOW....   You are saying, politely, that filtering should be a function of the client not uTorrent.  :)

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FWIW -- I've found that torrents listed as having zero seeds sometimes have seeds that appear for only awhile.  Yes, that's inconvenient, but a full time seed with a very low UL rate is also inconvenient.  However, in both cases, if you're willing to be patient, it's possible to get a complete download (after which I surely hope you would automatically stick around and seed to help others in the same lurch -- far too many torrent downloaders spit on the rest of us following 100%.)

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