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Upload speed is not uploading to max.


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Ok, I have read several threads about how to increase upload speed, but still it's uploading about 500-600kB/s or even lower instead of 90mb/s, here's the speedtest.net result -

I have no idea about what I'm configuring, I'm just setting as I have told to in the tutorials so tell me what I'm doing wrong.



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Yeah i got kind of confused transfaring from Mb/s to KB/s. But I set the settings back to default so it doesn't matter. I guess my speed isn't maxed out because the downloader doesn't have that high of a speed. I checked when I seeded one torrent with ~8MB/s and other one with ~500KB/s. The only thing that bothers me is that when I enable all my seedable torrents (around ~30) uttorent eats up my ram quite a bit, but I guess that's normal?

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Ok, i checked the links and now settings looks like this, but then again uttorent eats my whole ram as the uploading speed increases. Can i reduce max active torrents from 100 to like 5 to reduce the ram eating, it won't affect other preferences I have set?


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