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utorrent 3.4.1 freezes everytime i start it


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up until today i had no issues with utorrent and i had 3.4.1 since it was released and then all of a sudden utorrent starts to freeze up. Whenever i restart my computer and utorrent is running it runs fine for a minute or 2 and then it just stops responding and freezes up. I even stopped all the torrents except for 1 and it still freezes up and i have also uninstalled and reinstalled utorrent. Can someone please tell me whats going on i have seen other fourms and they seem to have the same problem but i haven't seen a fix. My os is windows 7. Thanks.


UPDATE it wasn't my settings i still had the issue but i found the problem, the reason why i haven't had a problem until today was because i downloaded a torrent yesterday and for some reason it was the torrent that was giving me the problem. It was messing up my utorrent i guess when it connected to froze and crashed my utorrent. I haven't had a problem since i deleted the torrent and data so i hope whoever comes across this thread, it helps them out


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