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What is influencing these rates?


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What are likely causes for the download rate of the first one to be very low compared to the second one? I've always wondered about this, especially in cases (like this one) where seed and peer numbers of the two downloads are approximately equal.


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Seeders/leechers is the most likely reason. You only get what is seeded or how many seeders join and no more. The more seeders the faster and high speed you most likely will get for the file less and you will drop down in speed.

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i dont know why this noob thread is still open

What do you mean? It's a legitimate question and people answered. Should noobs as you call them not use the forum? I won't even bother coming back to see a reply to such an inane remark.

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sorry then but it has been answered
first torrent has 26 connected 1% done 50 kB/S
second one has 20 connected and is 41.9% halfway through( 1.5 MB/s)
safe to say first one would need tikme to start up
also at higher speed utorrent may have disk overload problems initially 

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