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uTorrent 32bit 3.4.2 beta 33039, windows 8.1u1x64+ latest patches

When I login to https://remote.utorrent.com/ using my options/preferences/remote defined information (not advanced/webUI) it logs in, but then sits at "Loading, please wait..." for quite a long time. I currently only have 147 completed/inactive with 0 downloading/seeding. I do have 16 basic RSS feeds setup, but beyond that this is a vanilla uTorrent setup. Tried after restarting utorrent, same issue, tried in latest stable branch chrome/ie/ff. Sometimes it does eventually login after many minutes, & when I try to use the green paper+ to upload a .torrent file or the green chainlink+ to add a url, neither start. I am not running anything like peerguardian/peerblock. Any thoughts?



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