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RSS Feed not listed


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I work with several RSS Feeds for different stuff (mostly TV series). Some of them have autodownloads asigned, the others I browse ocasoinally. The thing is, out of the 7 Feeds I've added (2 of them just to try to make them appear), the client only shows me 4.


To sum up: Feeds_zpsed4394c7.png



EDIT: I'm Running uT 3.4.2 (build 33870) on W7 Ultimate 64

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Yes it does! Did I say update once per download? No, just once after startup. Believe it or not, It will auto update as usual after that as per your settings... !!!


No, it isnt working even if you manually update the feed. Manually updating the feed was working but, since 1 or 2 months ago, thats not working either. I press "update feed" and nothing happens.

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I enabled RSS error logs, I corrupted the URL of one of my working RSS Feeds, and I did not get even one log out of it. What's more, for a few days, now, I'm being shown one RSS Feed it was missing in the list (one I know not to be working ATM), but if I click it I see the list of another working Feed (the one that disappeared from the list, shown as "TestDrive" in my shot).


So, "believe it or not", it does not work

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>So, "believe it or not", it does not work

Yes it does! Did I say update once per download? No, just once after startup. Believe it or not, It will auto update as usual after that as per your settings... !!!


Wasn't that clear enough for you?...

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enable and right click logger-tab->error-logging->RSS


and it has nothing to do with the original poster's issue, which is a buggy rss.dat file... Use BEncode to  fix it.

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Wasn't that clear enough for you?...


Wasn't I clear enoguh for you? IT DOES NOT WORK. Can you understand it now? If don't, please refrain from answering to me ever again. Thanks a lot for your useless solution, and for believing you are a god and have all the answers even when you are told you are wrong  :)

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Mine aren't visible, so, for MY problem, YOUR solution DOES NOT WORK. Do I speak chinese? IT DOES NOT WORK!


It may work with the problem you suppose I'm having, but it DOES NOT work with the problem I DO HAVE. So either I have a different problem and you cannot accept it, or I have a different problem and you are a moron. Take your pick and STFU

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