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Labels and directories


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I have the same problem. Labels and directory mappings doesn't work as expected.


Preferences -> directories -> Move completed downloads to:

* Append the torrent's label checkbox is missing. Is it revoked? According to help file / web pages it should be there (help file from aug 2013, v3.3.2)


Preferences -> label -> Label-directory mapping:

** If you have created a label and added a directory mapping, you can't remove it, even if you remove the label.

** If you have mispelled a directory path, you are stuck with it.

** Even if you get things right, the download path is still fudged. It put all downloads in the "Move completed downloads to..." folder. Yeah, I've clicked the check box "Use label and directory rules".


These things are critical to me. I've been using uTorrent for a long time and want to continue with it.


Using uTorrent 3.4.2 (build 34727) and Windows 8.1.

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Ditto. Currently using uTorrent 3.4.2 build 35702 on Win 8.1 - still can't map a download to a folder using labels. Tried all imaginable combinations with download folders, etc - it's just not working.


Does anyone remember this feature working at all? How about Pro version?

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