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Opening .torrent files produces no result in µTorrent


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Unsure if this should be in bug report or in troubleshooting, suspect bug report but trying here first incase someone is familiar with the issue.

As the title says, when I try to open a torrent, the µTorrent window only resizes and then nothing happens. µTorrent used to work perfectly, it is only recently that the problem has appeared. .torrent files are associated with µTorrent and the program clearly recieves some kind of trigger since it resizes every time an attempt is made to use it to open the file. Adding a torrent through the File menu from µTorrent works however. Disabling "Show options to change the name and location of the torrent data" fixes the issue in that a torrent is added to my active torrents, but I would like for this window to appear. There is no issue with the active torrents I already have or anything similar, it just seems that µTorrent is incapable of opening said dialog window.




OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit

Version/Build: 3.4.2/34944


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