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Cannot See Labels Because of Obtrusive Sidebar Ads


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This is precisely the entire reason that I chose (after years using uTorrent on both Mac and Windows) to finally make a stupid forum account.  Just so I could post a comment saying this exact thing.

Dear uTorrent,

You have made a *single* change in this version of your software, and it broke something.  Specifically, it broke the scrolling and viewability of the Labels and Feeds portion of your sidebar. I've enclosed a photo just to show you how stupid this is.




The only current solution is to make the sidebar wide enough that the ad (centered) isn't obscuring the labels/feeds anymore.  This is even stupider as it requires the sidebar to be ridiculously huge and I included a photo of that stupidity as well.



Please, please fix this.  I have zero intention of paying your fee just to have operational software.  I *might* consider paying it if the software still worked, or I might just ignore the ads and let you continue getting the revenue off of them instead.  Either way, you have a problem that you need to fix, especially if you're now attempting to monetize this product via ad placement.


As is, I'd rather go use Transmission again, despite all its bugs and faults.


Addendum: You've also now made the minimum width of the sidebar *much* larger than it ever needed to be previously just to accommodate your new ads.  Couldn't you make it part of the lower half of the screen instead of the sidebar?!

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