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Curious about historical uploading


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Hi Guys,


New to the forum but I been avid user of utorrent for a very long time! Something just popped into my mind, I recently got a new computer with a limited amount of space because of that I cant keep the original torrent data for too long as I am seeding some pretty big files as it is.


I was wondering if I remove a torrent from my list, does the network remember who much I uploaded of that torrent? For example I was seeding Civ Beyond Earth and I did something like 200gb worth of uploading on it, but I had to remove it since I finished playing civ and I need to make space for AC Unity. So does the network remember that I did 200gb of uploading.


FYI I am not one of those people who deletes torrents after I finish d/ling them, i try to keep as many active seeds as possible in one go cause I know how much it sucks when people done seed!


Kind Regards,


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