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Default Directory for Creating Torrent


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I would like the option to specific the default directory thatr will be used for saving a created torrenbt instead of always having it default to the directory of the files seelcted for the torrent. That could be an option on the control for specifying the default torrent create directory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Correct nivroeg. I create many torrents, at least a 30 per day. I find it quite cumbersome to identify the location of every torrent that I create when there is a specific fixed location that I want to have them written. Also, if the option was available it will save me the problem of having to search for the torrent that was created on the few times that I may accidentally nagivate to the wrong folder.

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  • 1 month later...

Correct nivroeg. I create many torrents, at least a 30 per day. I find it quite cumbersome to identify the location of every torrent that I create when there is a specific fixed location that I want to have them written. Also, if the option was available it will save me the problem of having to search for the torrent that was created on the few times that I may accidentally nagivate to the wrong folder.

Try having multiple downloaded utorrent portable versions each saving in a different location

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