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torrent silently quits


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uTorrents quits by itself on a regular basis, like everytime I leave it running for a few hours. I've never seen it happen, always when I'm gone to work or to sleep. I can't find no crash log and stderr.log is empty. I don't get any message about having unexpectedly quit or anything.


It happens every day, at least 2-3 times.


It happens when there is only one torrent active, when I change it and also when there are 12 active torrents. I flushed Application Support and Preferences. I also changed hard drive.


I think this happened when I changed to Yosemite, but I can't be sure. Just installed 1.8.7. I had 1.8.6 since the update.


Am I missing something ?



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Since I was leaving home for a few days, I wrote a little script that would check once every hour if uTorrent was still running and restart it if not. The output is interesting has uTorrent seems to quit on a very regular basis :


yves$ ./uGoOn.sh

Checking ...

Redémarre le Mer 21 jan 2015 07:01:50 AST

Redémarre le Mer 21 jan 2015 15:01:52 AST

Redémarre le Mer 21 jan 2015 22:01:54 AST

Redémarre le Jeu 22 jan 2015 07:01:57 AST

Redémarre le Jeu 22 jan 2015 15:01:59 AST

Redémarre le Jeu 22 jan 2015 22:02:01 AST

Redémarre le Ven 23 jan 2015 06:02:03 AST

Redémarre le Ven 23 jan 2015 14:02:05 AST

Redémarre le Ven 23 jan 2015 20:02:07 AST

Redémarre le Sam 24 jan 2015 04:02:09 AST

Redémarre le Sam 24 jan 2015 11:02:11 AST




Hope that helps someone ...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am having pretty much the same issue. I thought it might have been Yosemite's App Nap feature killing µtorrent when it thought it wasn't doing anything but there's no tickbox in the Info window to enable or disable that.


From the overwhelming response this topic has received, I'm guessing it's just you and I that are seeing this yesyves...

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Well, two is less alone than one, as many songs and movies remind us so frequently  :)


You might like this little bash script I wrote to get around the problem. It checks every hour if uTorrent is running and restarts it if it is not. Just change "yves" to your own username and you can make it check more often by changing the number of seconds it sleeps. It will also let you see at what frequency it restarts.

#!/bin/shechoecho Checking ...echowhile true	do	if [ "`ps acxu | grep yves | grep uTorrent`" == "" ]		then		echo		echo Restarting on `date`		echo		open /Applications/uTorrent.app	fi	sleep 3600done 
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