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Should transfer speed be varying due to tracker alone ?


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(the first thought may be "yes your speeds will vary depending on the tracker" but this is a private torrent being transferred from 1 person to another, so varying seed count is not an issue) --


It's been a while since I've used utorrent to create my own torrent file to send stuff to someone, it used to work pretty good using the openbittorrent tracker and I would be able to send a friend a file privately at my full upload speed (1.5MB/s) I'm not sure what has changed but when I went to do this recently the tracker wouldn't update and kept going to 'time out'.


So i found this site: https://thomas.vanhoutte.be/miniblog/torrent-tracker-2015/ It's a list of some free public trackers. So I started going through them one a time to try and find one that would work, each time starting from scratch and creating a new torrent with the new tracker in the box on the torrent creation page.


What i've found is that while some of them work, the speed of the transfer seems to be dependent on the tracker. Some of them only let it go at 100-200KB/s, others up to 400KB/s but none of them let it go at even near my full 1.5MB/s speed. Why is this so ? It was my understanding that the tracker isn't involved in the actual file transer, the data is being sent directly from me to my friend.


We have verified using speedtest and monitoring bandwidth that the extra bandwidth is available, the transfer just isn't using it. So yeah, should speeds be varying after nothing but changing the tracker ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel we have ruled this out though as we are both on the same ISP and have no problems with torrents in general, we can upload and download from private trackers at our full speed. It's just in this specific situation with a manually created torrent that the speed is so poor.

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I should be clearer - we have verified our 1 to 1 speed is not the problem, through file transfers using other means. Only this specific situation using utorrent has the slow speed. And as said, in the past with utorrent it would always run at the full 1.5MB/s or near to it.

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