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Failed hash check after finished download


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Hey, why does uTorrent accept 100% and then after re-check not?


Seems like a newly created torrent 36GB has been accepted by hundreds of downloaders and then after a re-check it keeps on failing hash check on a single piece, while extremely slowly banning those hundreds of other finished downloads which really also got a corrupted piece? Now it's counted 30 failed hash check and placed 4 bans. Problem seems to be that the others reported as 100% haven't re-checked their data. So it doesn't work.


It is only one file: "disk_4.codaw" 4.34GB


- the ok files have been moved

- tried to remove torrent and add it again


Now there are 6 IP bans, but problem seems to be that the other torrent downloaders have accepted theirs, so they send on those data ..


Lucky shot: After re-check and redownload then one file came through while another kept failing. Tried then the failing one on another computer with a torrent from another website and then it worked. All re-checks okay.


What's going on???


New torrent about 31GB, after finished download and first re-check it then displays 2 undone 99.X% files. After several tries to download and re-check, also by removing torrent and closing browser, it then displays 3 undone 99.X% files!!!




Then after deleting torrent and downloading the .torrent file from website again using that, it then finish downloading all and after re-check it then shows 6 undone 99.X% files!!! 




So how does it managed to go from 2 to 6 undone in a few minutes??


And yes the downloaded installer (setup.exe) reports corrupted files.

Also Microsoft virus scanner shows no malicious stuff found.


uTorrent is 3.4.2 (38913 32bit) and reports no further updates.

Windows 7 64bit (SFC /SCANNOW shows 100% integrity)

HP Envy Phoenix 810-304ns


Tried running uTorrent as admin .. no difference.

Did chkdsk and did not find anything.

Event viewer does not report anything critical.


This is the latest result 




As shown the file "Setup-8.bin" wasn't a problem before...


Have also tried to just move those checked 100% files to another harddisk, until all should be 100%. But the installer reported corruption and then when rechecked they were ....????????????


Tried Windows Memory Diagnostics tool and it did not find errors.

Tried then instead HP memory test and it did find failure. But there's 32GB Ram and it does not say which.


Guess this thread is solved then.


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