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no incoming connections


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utorrent 3.4.3 build 39944

Windows 7

privateinternetaccess socks5 proxy

Norton Security Suite


I've specified the port named by Norton Security Suite, set utorrent to "Allow" in the Firewall program rules.


after a couple of successful downloads, all I get now is "no incoming connections", and downloads stop after about 10 seconds.


Set-up guide tests OK, says port open.


been through the threads and guides, nothing helps, all out of ideas.


Any suggestions or tips to try?


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Well, that's plain amazing.... download speed 1.2 MB/s

seeds 20 of 21 connected 30 in swarm.


The "no incoming connections" icon is replaced by a red x "not connectable" icon. with a message advising me to open a port. 


Please take pity on me, help me through that part.

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With Norton Security Suite uninstalled, system restarted. the slackware torrent acted exactly the same with one exception; instead of the red "x", I went back to having the "no incoming connections" icon.


The other torrent I was downloading also acted exactly the same way it did when Norton was running.

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