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No incoming connection on Yosemite 10.10.3


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Using uTorrent Version 1.8.7 (39558) up until yesterday everything worked fine.

Today my Mac updated to Yosemite 10.10.3 and ever since then I have no incoming connections.


Checked my router, my ISP, other torrent clients. Everything should work yet it does not.


It doesn't work on other torrent clients as well.


Did the osX update break something?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problem, what worked for me was re-installing utorrent. Updating didn't help. I also deleted the following files:



/Home/Library/Preferences/ByHost delete:

Restart the computer.


Although i dont think deleting the above actually did much.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem, red dot "no incoming connections" but I'm not willing to delete all my known networks and SSIDs as RainyCats suggests. There's got to be a better way.


I'm on Mac OS X 10.10.3 using uTorrent Beta 1.8.8 build 40504.


Firewall is off, port forwarding is configured and two different external port scanners have confirmed that the port selected can be "seen" and is open when uTorrent is running. I've reinstalled uTorrent, rebooted my system and my router. I did delete the com.bittorrentxxxxxx.plist files and relaunched uTorrent. I even changed port numbers, updated the port forwarding settings at the router and relaunch uTorrent.


The strange thing is, that I did see the green dot and "connection working" message very briefly when I first installed uTorrent, but by the time I configured any torrents it was red and nothing I try seems to make much difference.




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