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Is µTorrent interfering with internet browsing?


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Hello all,

I had this problem and I was looking out for answers. I spoke to Ultima about this and we had a good discussion when everything was tried....I had no where to go....but wait.

Now I got it...so here it worked for me....

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\utorrent

or go to run and type %APPDATA%\utorrent.

Just delete everything you have in there.....I possibly suspect the settings file.

Now restart ur µTorrent, set the settings to your availability...speed blah blah.

Voila.....there you have it, no more interference with Internet browsing.

I also recommend using evid4226patch by lvllord as dicussed here...




I again thank Ultima for his time and dedication to solve many of our problems.

I also feel u should have your net.max_halfopen be set at 8 (found in advanced seetings of µTorrent.

Try disabling DHT and settings according to your speed.


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