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rss downloader doesn't save in specific folder


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I've been trying to setup the rss downloader to automatic store files in different folders but I can't get it to work.

My setup is to store all the downloaded files on D:\^\Downloads but if I download a certain show it should store it in F:\Root_Share\Shows\ShowName


I've tried all possible solutions but it still doesn't work. I've tried to check and uncheck different options but it doesn't do anything. It still downloads everything to D:\. I've also tried to remove D:\ and only tell the location in the rss downloader but that doesn't work either. It then stores it under C:\user...


Currently I don't want it to download automatically but when I download it I want it to be stored in the specific folder.


I've attached some images so you can see my setup.


I've probably missed some option but what? Please help.



Using 3.4.3 (40324)




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