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just found out there was a ipv6 ddos 6-19-15


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I search all over the forum for this could not find any info... so I did not know where to post bump if need be. the ipv6 ddos only affected bittorrent and & µTorrent clients.. I personally do not dl. H.W. movies so I did not even know an attack was going on. this has other implications tho. if they can do this with movies what is stopping them from doing this to all torrents? not all torrents are illegal.. I would like to know are you guys working on a ipv6 patch? one that works with all versions of µTorrent because not all trackers allow the new versions. I read that ppl. could not dl at all.. would you please let us know if you are addressing this issue. thank you. sorry I was half asleep when I first posted it was midnight here... my system is set @ ipv4.. i run two µTorrent clients due to tracker limitations v3.2.1 & v3.4.2(have not updated yet). i did a search on a unfamiliar tracker that has a web page. that is where i read peer flooding news.. i did a search on peer flooding and found full article that it was an ipv6 ddos packet sent 0bits packets received 0bits sent 0bits received 0bits sent 0bits received 0bits sent................... i was just pointing out the implications because eventually all isp's will migrate to ipv6... miroselfish security was informed of this venerability 8 years ago check out defcon for more info. on that matter.. apple scans 10 stops then kicks packets... windows will search for a true answer in infinity and continue to search till the ddos is stopped. if possible i was wondering if something like 4 packets scanned @ 0bits received and sent would kick the ip flooder... the second article i read stated that when µTorrent banned the ip ddos attacker a new ip would continue the attack. sounds like 10 thousand pc's infected with some botware.. to be funny we could call it the hollyweird virus.. jokes set aside i read another article on the attack it stated the attack used a ipv4 tunnel attack to ddos ipv6... i brought this up because of all the implications i'll try to keep it with no warning points... look at it this way lots of ppl. will say it was just movies who cares. i am almost positive it was a bot attack look @ all the questionable torrent sites they are filled to the brim with malware.. who to say they didn't slip bots in the bloatware they spew out 24-7... from my understanding bots can be deployed to do mutable tasks... this could be utilized to take out torrent sites all over the net... sad to say none of the articles mentioned the tracker(s) that the ddos effected. it had to be a popular tracker(s) to be posted all over... & thanks µTorrent for letting us know your working on a fix.

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