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How to get rid of the 'Would you like to downgrade...' dialog?


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I've been using µTorrent for years but this has never happened before. A few days ago the dialog asked:


A newer version of µTorrent, 3.4.3 build 40298 is already installed. Would you like to downgrade to 3.4.2 build 34309? Choose "No" to continue running µTorrent.


If I choose No, the Setup window opens trying to install the 'already installed' 3.4.3 build 40298. After I close the installer, µTorrent finally opens and I can confirm the 3.4.3 build 40298 is really already installed but the next time I start µTorrent everything starts again from the beginning.


Here are the screenshots.


Am I the only one with this problem? I've read this old topic but that wasn't the same dialog - that dialog said: 'Choose "No" to run this older build once without installing.', and that topic did not help me to get rid of that dialog so my question is:


What do I have to do to get rid of that annoying dialog?


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