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I/O priority tip!

John Peterson

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Ever noticed that the 0 (Background) I/O priority of uT makes it stop seeding when there is much disk activity such as when hashing a torrent with mktorrent? The solution is to use Process Hacker and set the I/O priority of uT above mktorrent, for example by setting the uT I/O priority to 3 (High). Now uT keeps seeding (and downloading) even when there is high disk usage from other processes!

The diskio.low_prio_disk settings allow I/O priority 0 (Background) or 2 (Normal).

Windows 7 x64

uT 3.1-26671

mktorrent 1.0 (Cygwin)

Update: In case a persistent i/o priority of the utorrent.exe process is desired ProcessGovernor.exe (included with Process Lasso) offer that.

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