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Keyboard shortcut, for moving torrents up/down in the cue


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Hey, i know we are a few who dont want the toolbar to be visible..

But there are a few nice features on the toolbar - for example moving the cue up or down..

I would love a feature for that, somehting like CTRL+[uP ARROW] for moving the selected torrent up in the cue and CTRL+[DOWN-ARROW] for moving it down..

Keep up the good work guys!!


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i dont really mind. just one thing though, you still have to lcik the torrent name for it to be selected for moving up/down so why not just click the arrow button to move it up/down

you dont have to click it, just press tab and then use your up down arrow keeys - schweeet.. No mouse involved whatsoever!


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wow you must be a keyboard addict. now that i knowi think putting it in could be a quite a useful little addiction for all the keyboard addicts out there, even i like the old keyboard shortcuts for things occasionally.

hehe, not as bad as it sounds.. but.. olmost! ;)

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